Citizen Input
The ease of access to the Internet means that today, most government agencies can incorporate citizen input as a key component of the project initiation. The construction of a new facility is a great deal more likely to be included in the budget if local residents provide input regarding its benefit or concerns with the existing facility. iOpenEngage provides a platform which enables members of the public as well as local agencies to provide input which can be used to initiate capital projects.
The citizen input portion of the application is accessible from both a mobile device and a web browser.
Once a comment is captured, it is categorized then made available during the project initiation phase.
As can be seen in the above example, the comment entered regarding the dangerous road section is made available to the user during the project creation phase. Citizen inputs are categorized based on the analysis factors which will be used for evaluation of suggested projects. In this case, Maintenance, System Preservation and Safety.
The iOpenEngage module can also be used to support the construction phase of the project. The system can be configured to automatically notify the project manager or selected individuals when any citizen comments are posted near the project foot print. This capability allows relevant information to be quickly channeled to the correct respondent. For example, excessive run-off from a project site or a safety concern reported by a neighbor will automatically notify the project manager who can act to mitigate the issue. iOpenEngage can significantly improve project safety and community support.